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File:[SubsPlease] Shoushimin Se….jpg (172.52 KB,1920x1080)


Was about to drop this with prejudice, but now I think I might be in love.


normal by force


it's... ehh
hard to say


I wouldn't have minded an anime with casual mystery solving accompanied with a platonic relation between the MCs, but the latest episode has certainly piqued my interest. Was Osanai a wicked person back in her middle school days? Obviously, as the story progresses, we'll get more info on how they were before the change to normhood and what made them make the change, but hopefully we also get to see them slowly returning to how they were before; with the conclusion of the story being that trying to be a norm is useless and you should instead embrace your non-norm-ness.


File:normal is best.jpg (102.24 KB,1280x720)

I hope she pulls a knife and the moral of the story is that you need to embrace normalcy.


it's important to question their claim to normhood, because if they're merely pretending, and especially if osanai hasn't changed much as this DANGER DANGER DANGER red would telegraph, then the developments and conclusion may go for something entirely different
kobato certainly changed, but without definitively knowing why or in what way we also can't know to what degree he truly has become normal, as his detective tism isn't really norm material either


We gotta get revenge on the tart smasher


File:[SubsPlease] Shoushimin Se….jpg (187.16 KB,1920x1080)

Maybe I was wrong, I'm terribly bored and desperately want somebody to die.

When does their normal plan fail leading to Osanai snapping and killing the norms....


This show puts me to sleep so I can't really comment on any of it, except the food looks pretty good


it's got a strange charm. I like how unusual it is


kill the norms while they sleep that's the plan


File:Fukushuu Kyoushitsu v05 [E….jpg (1.12 MB,1685x1200)

The norms took Osanai, they must suffer.


>Fukushuu Kyoushitsu v05 [Easy Going Scans].zip-Fukushuu Kyoushitsu v05 [Easy Going Scans]-Fukushuu Kyoushitsu -v5

Fukushuu Kyoushitsu v05 [Easy Going Scans]


Sure hope there's a good wiki for this bcause I'm not rading a book


File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (393.7 KB,1920x1080)

It's definitely more intriguing than twins. Twins is just lacking any energy and the media references have started to feel more like a crutch than any meaningful part of the story.


The references are to show that Naori and Jun are the same kind of incorrigible nerd to explain why Rumi is so convinced they're a better match. Its biggest problem is that it got to that post-volume 1 LN status quo partway through the season and is spending the rest wasting time with some random boobslut instead of wrapping up the main story. Norm Series has much better progression as the mysteries get more and more trivial.

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