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File:[SubsPlus ] Plus-Sized Elf….jpg (196.41 KB,1920x1080)


Isn't it weird to think that there's a /qa/ belly anime airing made by a hentai studio with gratuitous jiggling and nudity? I can't even post most of the screenshots without the NSFW thingie


>made by a hentai studio
Seriously? That would explain why it looks so cheap.


It's quite something how hentai studios have such a cheap and low budget art style


Their previous listed work on anilist (might be others, don't feel like looking on other sites right now)
"I Turned Into a Gyaru and Tried out My Best Friend"



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File:[SubsPlus ] Plus-Sized Elf….jpg (183.73 KB,1920x1080)

Bellies and quasi-gay sex. Shaft has competition in being the kissu studio


I'm not gay, but I came to this manga.


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I do feel it's a shame they weren't able to adapt Synecdoche's trademark shading, without it things feel, ironically enough, a good deal flatter.


File:C-1721097394936.png (1.96 MB,1146x1650)

Like, see here this ton of exposed meat.


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And this is more of an average page, but you can still see the blobby curves and how damn soft they are. Shininess is practically non-existent, but the shadows and contours are still super important.


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It's even present in his earliest art, comparing this to the most recent episode is like night and day.
They've compensated for this by making Erufuda way fatter, and the added exposed boobers and that onsen scene in ep 1, but I'm also not too sure about that. Not sold on it, honestly.


File:[SubsPlus ] Plus-Sized Elf….jpg (273.83 KB,1920x1080)

Yeah, the shading is fantastic in the source material. Probably too much to ask for what is basically an amateur-ish hentai studio. What's crazy is that this anime short has its own anime short companion thing: https://anilist.co/anime/179212/Naoekun-wa-Yasesasetai/
I assume it's on youtube or nico or something? Well probably not nico since it might still be dead...


File:[SubsPlus ] Plus-Sized Elf….jpg (293.13 KB,1920x1080)

Man, the quality in this is just not good. Such a strong lack of animation, so you'd at least hope that it's made up for with the shading, but nope. Whereas the source material is a guy that really knows his anatomy you don't really feel it from this. The OP is very oddly animated (rotoscoping or something with a strange framerate?) and there is no actual ED, just an image panning up.
I wonder if it's better to get a lower quality adaptation or none at all. I mean, now a good studio won't pick it up, but were they ever going to do so? Well, studios gotta start somewhere I guess.


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kinda scary...


it has an itty bitty horn but it's won't hurt you it's friendly you can see it in its eyes


File:Kissumon.png (92.72 KB,367x301)


File:[SubsPlease] Elf-san wa Ya….jpg (37.81 KB,313x440)

official mascot of the fatardnime




that's what happens with hentai so is this really a surprise?


File:Futoku no Guild - S01E08.m….jpg (311.15 KB,1920x1080)

I haven't seen hentai in like 15 years, but I suppose so. Ecchi stuff does generally seem to have higher quality. I guess things are just destined to be this way.
...although this isn't a hentai show...


File:[SubsPlus ] Plus-Sized Elf….jpg (Spoiler Image,324.79 KB,1920x1080)

Man, this stuff should be right up my alley, but I feel nothing. I think a major part of it is that they're just there nude without any story connected to it. There's no titillation or teasing, it's just BOOM nudity everywhere. It's nudist nudity instead of erotic nudity. I'm sure this is great for teenagers and stuff, but it's just so boring and unerotic for me.
It lacks the great poses and shading like you see here >>78413
Oh, well. I'll keep watching it since it's a short, but I'm disappointed.


File:[SubsPlus ] Plus-Sized Elf….jpg (428.44 KB,1920x1080)

Mermaid girl is cute at least, but it's hard to make mermaids uncute


>hard to make mermaids uncute
give them futa dicks thats how


File:[SubsPlus ] Plus-Sized Elf….jpg (272.13 KB,1920x1080)

I have to disagree with you on that one. For that area to be exposed, it has to be a sexual situation and if it's a sexual situation it has changed from cute to sexy (or sexycute) no matter what is down there. Unless you're saying she would have tentacle genitalia or something because I could understand that losing the cuteness. Well, it could be a gap moe situation maybe.


it could be cute if it like, just looks like an extra scaly section till its in action


File:[SubsPlus ] Plus-Sized Elf….jpg (305.65 KB,1920x1080)

me on the right
These characters are so silly, but so endearing. Well, I didn't much like the dark elf or oni, but the mermaid and werewolf are great. Still need to catch upon more episodes...


File:[SubsPlease] Elf-san wa Ya….mp4 (6.19 MB,1920x1080)

There are some.... slight animation issues later on.


File:[SubsPlus ] Plus-Sized Elf….jpg (344.88 KB,1920x1080)

Yeah, it's uhh... rough. It really deserved a better adaptation, but I guess it's serviceable to me due to the source material. Still, a manga with 9.9/10 visuals from a guy that clearly obsesses and studies anatomy into an anime that's about 3/10 visual-wise is very unfortunate.

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