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File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (259.83 KB,1920x1080)




File:booze.jpg (507.45 KB,1430x2026)



i can't get enough of this fat SHAB


If /jp/ is the chuuni marxist, does that make /qa/ the norm tomboy who steals her boyfriend?


File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (259.59 KB,1920x1080)

Sure you can say that, but wouldn't that then also mean that /qa/ willingly stepped down to make room for /jp/, recognizing her superiority?


More like she handed /jp/ her sloppy seconds after having her fun and thoroughly rubbing it in everyone's face that she was there first.


she actually looks rather thin in this page, no chub in sight


completely ignoring that belly aren't you


File:1720829854401.jpg (39.57 KB,274x215)

this tummy is flat as hell and that'd be easier to see if it weren't for the huge hips


File:[SubsPlus ] Plus-Sized Elf….jpg (272.76 KB,1920x1080)


It's insulting to call that a belly!


File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (456.05 KB,1920x1080)

No wonder /qa/ let him have /jp/ instead. He never took her to the Mewkle cafe


File:figurines.jpg (35.89 KB,500x335)

/jp/ Wonfes meetup image.


showcasing the ancient proto-germanic tradition of assembling fräuleins figürchen


File:Himote House - 05.webm (1023.41 KB,960x540)



File:GQxD337aAAE0Ku9.jpg (254.63 KB,1109x1479)

Meine frau.


File:1615080696084.jpg (128.38 KB,755x711)

The real miracle of gousotsu was making an aged Satoko work so perfectly


Ehh... I guess. I think it was already around in fan art and didn't really change anything in that regard. I think I'd prefer not knowing of this version of Satoko due to, you know... the story....


want to sex


File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (109.97 KB,1280x720)

/qa/ is such a brainless norm. /jp/ 4 lyfe.


File:molester.jpg (120.65 KB,800x600)



Wow, that's crazy


File:qajp split.png (423.64 KB,1024x576)

/qa/ paragraph norms
/jp/ one-liner otaku

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