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This company is still making quality visual novels




It's nice to see when so many of the others have become gacha companies


I think I played this game on steam then refunded it


File:C-1720223243099.png (2.62 MB,1920x1200)

I liked their eyes


Hmm interesting so it's a VN source, huh. And a VN that came out in 2020! https://vndb.org/v27448
Maybe I'll try this VN soon so I can watch the anime...


File:ATRI-MyDearMoments-_Fq8aM1….png (3.77 MB,2560x1440)

It's such a strange thing. Despite the visuals in the anime being gorgeous and having well animated faces and such, the VN experience still feels better. I suppose any time emotions are involved having the character look at 'you' instead of another character just fools the brain a lot more efficiently. I can tell this isn't going to be a very long one, which makes the anime adaptation a bit surprising. The good news there is that it's not going to skip over much. I'm about 2 hours in which is putting me a little bit past episode 2.


you can't be as crazy with lighting as you can in individual frames


File:[Kaleido-subs] ATRI -My De….jpg (208.55 KB,1920x1080)

It really has nothing to do with that. It's that it's a perspective thing, or maybe how they story is told. You feel much closer to the characters in a VN. But man, these faces are really great. If only you could combine them into one amazing experience.
Well, I guess Steins;gate tried something like that, but I never tried that version that injected scenes from the anime.


File:ATRI-MyDearMoments-_wvHIWW….jpg (551.63 KB,2560x1440)

Like this here. I feel like I'm there instead of as a simple spectator. It really does a lot to enhance the uh... immersion or whatever.


Immersion would be the right word in that case, yeah. I feel like the intimacy a game can provide you with that more first person viewpoint and interactivity far surpasses any other visual medium where at most you're just the observer of someone else's romance.


The anime has funny ahoge movement, how can VNs compare to that?

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