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File:[SubsPlease] Seiyuu Radio ….jpg (86.28 KB,574x551)


¥he doesn't buy his croquettes from the butcher


File:[SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S3 ….jpg (334.18 KB,1920x1080)

We're having wieners today


Not from the baker?


They don't sell croquettes at the butcher's, retard. They sell meat.


File:[HorribleSubs] Gabriel Dro….jpg (90.84 KB,736x720)

You seriously don't know?


File:yugure yuhi kaio ken x10.jpg (41.8 KB,514x591)

I know that croquettes aren't meat.


maybe if i didn't have to wait FOUR DECADES to get them


File:[SubsPlease] Astro Note - ….jpg (290.17 KB,1920x1080)

Food snobbery and exclusivity is really infuriating to me. I guess that guy's heart is in the right place, maybe, but meh. Why not just eat available food that tastes good/is healthy?


I think it's less food snobbery and more just they're physically incapable of getting people's orders in less time.


yeah these are samples of really high grade stuff sold at a hefty discount, and the idea is to attract people with it
if people are okay with waiting (as crazy as the queue seems) that's alright, not like it's a three star restaurant it's a butcher shop

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