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File:lmaogetitbecauseitstheopp….webm (2.35 MB,1920x1080)


What would you do if you saw this when you woke up?


i dont get it


[x] genuflect


Who has double doors to their bedroom?
I heard that French kings used to put their bedrooms prominently into the halls of governance, so they could publicly express their laziness.
But I am no French king. Am I?

Should I worry about decapitations?


>put their bedrooms prominently into the halls of governance, so they could publicly express their laziness
that sounds exactly like something kazuma would do, but instead of expressing laziness it's to express his horniness for all the maids and female administrators


File:[SubsPlease] Tearmoon Teik….jpg (458.06 KB,1920x1080)

Just make sure to check your future diary to make sure the guillotine isn't at the end and you'll be fine.


File:1709599376038.jpg (91.22 KB,688x992)

Tfw you will never have a loli wake you up for school


Just get a loli and start grad school.


for school? i want a cute lolimo to wake me up for neethood


Jump out of bed and catch her before she can get away


File:[Chihiro] Maou no Ore ga D….jpg (205.95 KB,1920x1080)

what do

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