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File:f544c772645cc575522aa65d3a….png (615.06 KB,1080x1440)


This is why the Moriya shrine gets more visitors than Reimu


Rope her, I said.
But this is not what I meant.


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This is why Buddhism is in ascendance in gensokyo.


File:big sister is watching you.png (578.31 KB,551x804)

Kanako got the villagers hooked on illegal outside world sake and now they come back begging for more?


Whoever decided to give Byakuren a latex biker suit in AoCF deserves the Nobel prize


nice boobers



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This is why scarlet devil mansion gets more visitors


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Quality over quantity. Hakurei shrine visitors are more pious.


That ass could stand to be a little bit bigger.




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I would come and donate too if I could catch sight of her mountains of faith. She's also a nice lady in a world full of raging lesbians.


File:[touhou][wakasagihime][art….png (689.55 KB,606x871)

The DDC girls are nice. Wakasagihime and Shinmyoumaru in particular. I think all of them are nice apart from Seija since the whole thing happened due to reversed personalities, right? They should be more popular, but it's hard to compete with the classics. Although now I guess it's been over a decade since DDC...


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They are, and that's because they're bottom of the totem pole Youkai and it emphasizes the whole reverse theme of DDC. You can't be a twat if you don't have the strength to back it up in Gensokyo.
Now that you mention it, I think what holds DDC's characters back is because they all fall into separate camps which aren't individually strong, and that DDC was a bit weak for a mainline game. Seija and Shinmy are an iconic duo and get a follow up game, but everyone else falls into the realm of background mobs except maybe Raiko due to her being extra stage. You got small time grassroots Youkai, the forgettable Tsukumo sisters, then the aforementioned big characters, and then Cirno again. Compared to LoLK after DDC which has very memorable characters, and the previous TD which has the Taoists which rounds out the last major religious faction, Mamizou (who needs to get the fuck out of Lotus Eaters god I hate her so much), and several returning characters.
As far as nice and kind people go, you kinda have to dig for them as most characters are some degree of sassy asshat.


Boob punch


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It's a good thing she was wearing reactive chest armour.


File:[sekibanki wakasagihime] c….jpg (1.33 MB,1200x1200)

Hmm.. yeah I guess the DDC girls aren't really related to each other much. People do seem to love pairing Waggy together with Kagerou which I don't really care for since it's often Kagerou often bullying Waggy. I also don't like Seija paired with Shinmyoumaru because she simply used her like a tool. I do like Sekibenki occasionally being with Waggy and Shinymoumaru, though.
I like DDC's cast more than LoLK's, but I can understand how people would disagree.


No one wants to stay in Hotel California

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