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File:1438960458500.jpg (15.43 KB,250x250)


The CIA kept a database of these bad boys for themselves. Which one is your favorite?


File:1437251660558.jpg (32.96 KB,200x200)

Also, they called shobon "pedobear".


>(`・ω・´)” innocent happy
>(`・ω・´) <-- Pedobear?

If Pedobear was a Hidamari character, he'd be innocent happy.


Imagine getting paid for collecting a bunch of kaomoji.
(`・ω・´)” innocent happy


FBI hoards all the good ASCII art


>( ゚∀゚)o彡゜えーりんえーりん!!
though i'm gonna go with these two because of their text
>щ(゚Д゚щ) < "Dear god why‽ )
>ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) y u no guy


͡° ͜ʖ ͡° <--casing the booty


¯\_(⊙︿⊙)_/¯ that's so silly. Both the leaker and the document.
It's probably just a text file from a japanese employee posting on futuba


I kinda looks like a document that was collected by accident, while just mass-harvesting from some data base.


If you find yourself needing to blend in somewhere, it makes sense to keep a record of their speech habits. One guy probably made this to copy+paste from and threw it on a share drive in case anyone else needed it.


I don't think any poster of kaomoji is memorizing the keystrokes to do it. Everyone who wants to use them has a txt on their desktop they pull from that likely looks like that


there's a "smuggled" meme stash where i work at that is just for use on our secure network
i wouldn't be surprised if our cia buddies were using these for the same reason






Somewhere in the CIA headquarters, somebody is shouting: "Andrew you goddamn weeb, you're making us look stupid!"


>(\/) (°,,°) (\/) WOOPwoopwowopwoopwoopwoop!
my favorite

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