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File:very intense looking im@s ….jpg (266.36 KB,1200x1200)


Stop being serious


absolutely NEVER


File:1595949601454.jpg (277.56 KB,1600x800)

Since when were you under the impression I was?


Did you know that fish cough? Yes, I'm being *serious*. I learned this from a Snapple cap.


File:1445046911449.jpg (416.29 KB,1150x925)

Wanna know how I got these nekomimi?
Y'see, my father was an otaku... and a fiend.
One night, he came out of his cave a little crazier than usual.
My mother put on the news to defend herself.
He didn't like that.
Not. One. Bit.
So he grabs a bunny girl maid outfit and starts putting it on her while I'm screaming and crying.
Then he turns to me and says:
"Why so serious, waga musume?"
"Let's put a :3 on that face!"
He rips off my glasses and grabs a pair of cat ears like this.
And... then...

Why so serious?


File:776212456672747520.mp4 (501.88 KB,800x800)

I take funposting on the Jay very seriously.


File:R-1713642943471.png (7.03 MB,1440x2560)

Life is such a fucking joke, that taking it perfectly seriously is the ultimate insult for it, and thus the only appropriate attitude.

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