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what's the best pizza


saw a junk mail ad for an absolutely foul looking "cheese volcano pizza" functionally a bread bowl of molten cheese where youre supposed to dip other pizza slices into the cheese


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pineapples and pizza

They share the same doom

Its you know... Sadame. Sadame pizza.


kuon pizza with extra aphrodisiac


Personally I'm impartial to a Pepperoni or all Meat Pizza, olives on pizza aren't bad either.


margherita! no no its prosciutto funghi!! wait wait I forgot tuna... and oh yeah there is diavolo! ugh I just cant decide


thin crust pepperoni, with pepsi


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Romana for me. I like the crunchy crust a lot.


Cheese. Just cheese. Nothing but cheese.


Wouldn't that just end up a soggy mess?


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Quattro formaggi then?




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Sheet pan pizza with ground beef and onion.




Detroit Deep Dish.


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No idea what happened at the checkout but these two items were the same price


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I've never really liked any toppings, I think pizza is good enough with its base ingredients. I'd like to try the real Italian stuff that has basil leaves someday, though


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i really like pizza with arugula it often comes with a good deal of garlic too, or a well done fugazza (though your mileage will vary depending on how well the onions are cooked, sometimes they're straight up raw)
the ones with bell peppers are great too
shoutout to all the milanesa variations that might as well be pizza, sometimes on purpose


Last za I had was homemade and too dry so I dunked the slices in soy sauce, it was okay.


my dough never rises enough


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>soy sauce
You better not have had any olive oil in your house because that sounds disgusting. Soy sauce is only for fish and vegetables.


We don't use olive oil usually. But I frequently use soy sauce on about every source of carbs(rice,noodles,taters).


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You know what you must do.


says it like it's a good thing


shirataki noodles become much more edible with soy sauce


Yeah I don't know much about Asian cuisine, but I guess it's also used in some ramen, rice and fried food dishes. It's definitely not something you should eat with Italian pasta though.


Shirataki noodles are indigestible mushroom strips. Because, they can't be digested, they are (or are almost) zero calories. They taste slimy and smell like fish, but a thorough rinsing and soy sauce to add flavor makes it tolerable.


This is the most revolting thing I've ever seen. I'm gagging just thinking about it.


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I often use soy sauce (and fish sauce) instead of salt.


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I like my pizza fancy.


If you buy 4 of those, will you get the rest of the car as well?


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I just ordered a beef and mushroom pizza because of this thread.

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