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File:3d4882de-4dc3-421b-83fc-50….jpg (1.22 MB,1441x2048)


How do I get my wife to stop being an itoddler? She's embarrassing me in front of my /g/ friends.


cute Arisu


You're going to have to help the EU push through legislation to get Apple to stop sabotaging android messages so that the status symbol of owning an iShit device slowly fades into obscurity


send her daily mp4s of things she would definitely want to see and when she tells you she can't open it reply with a smug satania and repeat until she embraces freedom


get her a windows tablet instead


Many wife psychologists agree that working with your wife to set the rules together can help them feel a part of the process and more likely to comply with your requests for less time on the iPad.

For example, sit down and agree what time works best for their hour of gaming or scrolling and then put the rules on display at home for easy reference.


make her feel the humiliation of having private data being shared on all devices by the icloud.


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Your wife is using these devices because you're not satisfying her needs. You need to be more attentive towards her and make sure she's getting proper satisfaction daily.


WEBMs, you mean. Even an IoT toaster can play MP4s.


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/g/ friends? Arisu, I think that guy is a bad influence...


But I bought her a $2000 gaming laptop and installed Arch Linux on it... What more does she want from me?


A gaming laptop with linux OS?
Do people really do that?


Basically what a Steam Deck is and those seem pretty popular.


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Smash that ipad!


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>installed Arch Linux on it...
There's your problem, how's she supposed to appreciate Arch if she wasn't able to install it herself?


basically everything bar games featuring kernel level anticheat just work on linux nowadays


There are a lot of things in games that don't work well. Like games(or applications) that use system fonts such as Arial rather than build them directly into the executable.
Everything else is pretty system interchangable...


Still the equivalent of buying a mountain bike despite living in the flats.


Unless you mean "just works" like "it just works™", I've come to realize that that's not really the case. Switching from Linux gaming to dual booting Windows to game, the experience is worlds apart; if you just focus on gaming though, everything else feels like shit. Games run smoother, higher FPS for lower/same temperature, etc. Really noticeable when you have a potato for a PC. Maybe not much of a difference if you have relatively newer (gaming) hardware though.

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