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File:1713095569918.jpg (130.32 KB,810x947)


Did you know that you can upload images without actually saving them? I like to temporarily steal images from 4chan archives and boorus with this strategy.


You mean the copy-paste feature?


File:02c2f60d2d17347d8cc5d37a2f….jpg (159.95 KB,896x1200)

Yes, just ctrl c + ctrl v an image url from somewhere and paste it in the file upload.


File:1713401651094.jpg (130.3 KB,810x947)



hmm not bad, but I can't imagine using this


File:1436873962615.png (208.61 KB,419x551)

You will use my temporarily stolen images and you will like it.


File:C-1713403169531.png (219.7 KB,419x551)

hold on, copying and pasting an image gives it a C-XXXXXX timestamp with the current time
are you using the file URL feature instead?


I can't figure out how to actually paste images in there without hitting the link button, yeah


File:1713403206070.png (219.7 KB,419x551)


File:C-1713403568280.png (12.84 KB,524x116)

yeah but did you paste the link here rather than the image itself? because you can do both


File:C-1713407290862.png (244.41 KB,419x551)

Yeah I pasted the link. But "copy image" instead seems to generate this "C-" filename. I didn't know that.


File:C-1713407535728.png (35.22 KB,133x175)

Why did it turn the transparency black though.


>>74085 >>74091
Both of these files were altered, clearly.
I guess that copying the image means that kissu regenerates it from the data.

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