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File:1444235186250.gif (442.92 KB,506x516)


How do you make bread crust?
No I don't want the rest


File:[Asenshi] Heya Camp - 01 [….jpg (84.31 KB,1280x720)

Really thin strips maybe?


buy bread and throw away the insides


File:[Merchant] Sansha Sanyou -….jpg (328.02 KB,1920x1080)

This is why Japan is the superior country.
You can skip the wastefulness and just buy the crusts alone.


It must be tough being in your rebellious phase.




die die die die die die


>>74017 has it.

Do they have decent bread there? I was led to believe that their bread is sweetened.


kissu is a 14 year old girl


File:1713297049645898.gif (1000.52 KB,500x560)

But where do the insides go?


In the oven.


I don't like the crust so maybe we could get married and I'll eat the bread while you eat the crust

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