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File:GKsurO1aYAE_QLI.jpg (189.07 KB,1425x1980)


You have to wonder sometimes just how much of genderbender was spawned by Ranma. I know that's how I originally was introduced to it and Ranma hentai was one of my earlier faps, she's just so hot.


yeah that's rumiko being a titan
with how much she contributed through UY and how popular she was by the time of ranma, it's easy to see it as a massive source of gb all around


I never thought about it much, but yeah. There's an old nukige called Xchange that I think was pretty influential for people of a certain age at a certain time, too.


Oh, and Xchange far, far, FAR less influential of course. I just thought I'd mention something


File:104941309_p0.jpg (2.43 MB,2778x2690)

I don't like how Mahiro's toes are long. I just want to JO to stumpy toe Mahiro.


are they really that long?


File:1648832578145.gif (1.02 MB,498x373)

I have to finish this sometime.


File:1497367646788.gif (1.22 MB,500x375)

Just watch it weekly like it was originally intended to be watched.

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