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File:R-1713176604322.jpg (65.51 KB,456x600)


Got 5 minutes? Watch Henkei Shoujo!


File:Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 0….png (321.71 KB,332x940)

calling dibs on the flustered butte girl


Noticing that jet.. is this some thinly disguised JSDF recruitment video again?


'Aight, I watched it.
Felt like the sort of thing that would give a great "wtf was that??" reaction if you saw it randomly on TV, but doesn't work as well just watching it all consecutively. Also it seemed like it was supposed to be introducing these girls, as if it was part of a bigger project, but from what I can tell nothing much has really been done with it?
Had some fun animation in it at least though.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy M….jpg (338.9 KB,1920x1080)

5 minutes entirely or per episode?


File:R-1713301750656.webp (68.82 KB,1366x768)




>5 = ???
yeah that's a good descriptor
sure brings back memories


looks mega cool


i vaguely remember stuff like them losing themselves and becoming animalistic but i may be making it up

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