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File:[SubsPlease] The iDOLM@STE….jpg (127.68 KB,1280x720)


This is a Japanese American.


sigh... 3D Idolmaster... why don't they just release a 2D one every 4 years instead of multiple 3D stuff so close together?


File:[SubsPlease] The iDOLM@STE….jpg (87.8 KB,1280x720)

The 3D is surprisingly high quality and, while I'd certainly prefer 2D, I legitimately like what it does in some shots. The real problem is that ML and especially SC seem to be squarely targeted at the "you'll buy it anyway" superfan market and focus more on giving characters screentime than developing them or telling a coherent narrative. U149 had that problem as well, but not nearly to the same degree. It also good proper animation, presumably because they wanted to capture the lolicon market as well.


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (321.64 KB,1920x1080)

I remember seeing a nice animation from the previous 3D show, but I just can't tolerate the rest of it. I'm sure it does have scenes that would impress me, but would I be thinking "wow this is gorgeous" instead of "Wow this is passable for 3D"? I doubt it would be the first one. That view there is pretty cool at least.
Oh well.


File:[SubsPlease] The iDOLM@STE….jpg (78.49 KB,520x949)

It does well with dynamic body curves and on-model movements, so it looks good in dances or when they pose like this. Also, the legs really do it for me. The effects-heavy, movement-heavy dance in episode 2 is probably the best use of it so far and that part, at least, I feel is completely justified to be 3D. Of course, those strong points come at the cost of flexibility,, but frankly most 2D anime don't really make use of this beyond facial expressions either and that's the one place 3D can easily change things up. I think on the whole it's past "passable for 3D" and on to just plain "passable", but it still doesn't quite fit in standard use cases. Basically, it's good when it's directed in a way that plays to its strengths and underwhelming when it's directed like 2D anime.

Unfortunately, the show has so little substance that it really needs high quality character art to prop it up. Some cute Kayo screenshot moments would go a long way.


It doesn't look terrible, but it's not beautiful. If it was a video game I'd play it, but...

>movement-heavy dance in episode 2 is probably the best use of it so far and that part, at least, I feel is completely justified to be 3D
So many idol shows have just made dancing 3D that I kind of think that they all agree already. It's become surprising when you see them dance and it's not 3D.

>Unfortunately, the show has so little substance that it really needs high quality character art to prop it up
Yeah, these shows don't really have much substance (although Idolmaster has nice girls) and I mostly enjoy them for the cuteness and beauty alongside the saccharine stuff. But, without the pretty cuteness I just can't get into it.
I'd put up with it if it was a video game, though. (not gacha which these all already happen to be...)


Most 3D dancing I file under cost-saving, good 2D dance animation is difficult but still looks better than your typical 3D dance. This one in particular I found rises above what we normally see.

Also, idol shows can have more to them, it's ML and SC specifically that have been bad at giving depth to the characters and story.


The Cancerous American


The Crabby American


File:[HorribleSubs] Koisuru Ast….jpg (82.94 KB,439x615)



Woah it's a grown up twin


please play the shiny colors enza game instead guys, or watch it on youtube, it's basically a visual novel

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