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File:36c6ef8939cda2a5468feb1cca….jpg (242.22 KB,495x600)


Type random shit using alt + the numpad and see what comes out



The human brain is not capable of randomness.
Have you heard of the Blue-7 phenomenon?


File:e17b3dc98b1edbf6882d16f3a4….png (415.22 KB,750x702)

A→♪☻Ï12♦02u¾?a♪¦:Õ3║4N↓ A36¦XÙê♠


This post seems to make a coherent point, but it is in fact the result of random inputs bereft of intent to create the meaning you perceive.


File:[SubsPlease] Yofukashi no ….jpg (239.33 KB,1920x1080)

The numpad? Of course, I still have one of those... I mean, who would buy a TKL for their desktop? haha~...


D[s spoiler]▒[s spoiler]9[s spoiler][s spoiler]≈[s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler]ë[s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler]ô[/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s]

☺%[s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler]ù2åT↓[/s

uhhh yeah alt + 8 is spoiler tag huh


[s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler][s spoiler]♀[/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s][/s]



File:__lilim_and_kunieda_shiho_….jpg (538.96 KB,1280x1780)

.╜ßÿmÅ£⌠{Äì♀hP■⌡gJ◘-Ä♫⌂RE↨E,'Σ ßß ■∩²■▬!


File:87c50515d798b317216b088d48….jpg (297.8 KB,1000x813)

Regular number keys work too.

Switch to the old UI for a moment if you don't want the hotkeys of the new one showing up. That's what I did.


File:21526fa2b18a7ebb5f40b0d445….jpg (269.28 KB,495x600)

>Regular number keys work too.
Wait, it doesn't. I thought it did.


File:3f5193f47a0fbe3bc226e86912….jpg (99.71 KB,800x1000)

You made me change my tab.




Here's some with Control+Shift+u:


File:marisa speak.png (119.87 KB,300x300)




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