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File:[SubsPlease] Kaii to Otom….webm (12.19 MB,1920x1080)


dat /qa/ dream


more like /jp/'s worst nightmare


File:[SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome….jpg (105.17 KB,1280x720)

Benefits of becoming a loli:
Flatter chest
Better eyesight
More creativity
More energetic
Weigh less
Higher fertility
People like you more


Can't buy beer though


If you've got an adult license proving yourself to be over age you're good still.


Your biometrics on it won't match though. Height and weight being the most obvious.


I was very close to 160cm when I was eleven years old, does that count?


Alcohol is bad


You don't need alcohol to be stupid in a good way.


nice face


File:1398374794385.jpg (30.77 KB,276x250)

>Flatter chest
>Better eyesight
How is that a good thing?


>>73793 >>73798 is thinking of the benefits of youth.
>>73796 is thinking of the horrors of not knowing whether a loli you meet is actually secretly an old woman.
>>73801 >>73803 has already given up.
>>73802 has also given up, but is optimistic that there is a new rock bottom below this one that may yet be worth hitting.


They make it easier to see cocks.


As if for that very purpose, boobs have a gap right in the center.


File:tegaki-1713024595555.png (15.69 KB,380x380)

Not a gap you can see through.


File:[Erai-raws] Jii-san Baa-sa….jpg (125.65 KB,1280x720)

The real nightmare is getting enyoungified and still being too much of a hag to compete with the kids trying to steal your man.


She needs to eat a second apple and become a loli, it's the only way to keep her man.


you have a future in erotic art for sure


cutieromancing (emphasis cute)


kimo (emphasis kimo)

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