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File:GDIXdW9WUAAil2P-1.jpg (214.54 KB,933x1200)


you cute stupid shab....


There is a tip I want to give you...


File:[Commie] Call of the Night….jpg (350.94 KB,1920x1080)

yeah me too
going to teach her shortcuts in mario kart


i was so proud of myself for discovering the mario kart 64 rainbow road skip


The only thing I know of Mario Carts is that article in the Anthropocene Reviewed.


In hindsight, ordering a pizza from 50000 km away wasn't the best idea I've ever had. Can't really blame her for this.


im spider man


eight controller port gamecube... incredible


imagine 8P melee on Hyrule




i've ordered a pumpkin pizza once
3 hours past and they said they sorry somehow all the pumpkin was in use already and they gotta go and buy a new one for it
it was dry dry as rug
but i have no regrets


Food orders where you learn hours later that you've been forgotten are the worst.
You feel like the entire universe's betrayed you.


Univerce is a place not a person and especially not that quasi-jewish god substitute suburban burgeoisie uses all tge time. Try to talk to bus stop or quarrel with dead end)


File:1653609677520.jpg (502.76 KB,750x742)

Anthropormisation, similes, and metaphors are all well established parts of the English language. I suggest you study it yourself instead of trying to lecture others while making such a mistake-laden post.


of ALL languages


File:Без нkазвания.png (183.22 KB,532x404)

u worship metaphor?


File:GQwZNmzWHcDtnD52uByi--1--….webp (39.65 KB,768x1024)



Can one carass a metaphor?


saw it


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File:hot-pinhead-female-324x500.jpg (60.32 KB,324x500)

saw... it... hellraiser!


Why are you listing horror movies?


im not listing horror movies, i only saw hellraiser but never saw saw, i read it also, i mean It, not saw. It was meh.


still need to read soremachi


i watched the anime, the girl had an annoying-cute voice


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