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File:artist change over time.jpg (252.22 KB,1440x1080)


How do you feel about artists changing their art style over time?


I don't really mind if they stay good since their old drawings will always be there and I can still appreciate the new. However, I don't like when they suddenly get worse. Won't forget the thinning of atte7kusa


Can't say I have much of an opinion. Artists generally improve and that's nice. If it was about when their subjects change, then that's kind of a bummer, but it's not like I'm paying them.


prefer the old style better...


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It's interesting to see it happen, but it can be strange when the start and end of a series look starkly different.


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Yeah, it's really different. Mix of photography and 2D art now.


I think that drawing is and should be a highly personal endeavour. The artist should always do what they want to do rather than what their audience wants.
So while I think that it can be sad sometimes I think that it's for the best and they should be allowed or even encouraged to do what they want.


Not all drawing is artistic in nature. Commercial drawings absolutely should cater to their audiences. If I commission a piece, it should look as close as possible to what I want.


That's true but in this case I don't think it's what is being referred to. I also think commissions can be what leads to a change in artstyle or topic themself.


Art is communication. While you shouldn't surrender to your audience, you should be aware that you are communicating. Choose a language that the audience understands and express yourself in a way that the audience wants to listen to what you have to say.
Refusing to do these things in the name of artistic freedom is ultimately just masturbation.
Having said that, you can obviously pick your audience, and there is no need to target the lowest common denominator. (and there is nothing wrong with fapping every now and then)


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I enjoy seeing an artist's style change when it's easy to tell that they're improving, whether it's improvements to anatomy, shading, color choices, the way they do lines, etc. Fkey is a great example there. That's an artist I've been seeing over the years with remarkable leveling up of highlights and detail.

If it's a change in content, then I suppose it can't be helped. I've seen artists focus on one topic for a number of years and then abandon it for another. Appreciators of their work can voice their desire to see more of the older stuff, but it's the artist's choice in the end.
I'd seen a comment somewhere on another imageboard where a particular artist received so many requests for guro by one person that the rest of his audience got upset and the artist broke it off into a whole separate account for that type of content.

Further regarding content, while >>73755 makes a good point with commissions
>If I commission a piece, it should look as close as possible to what I want.
With some guardrails, I'd venture to say. The client issued the prompt to a specific artist. They wanted to see their vision realized in that artist's style. As long as there's money to accommodate, revisions on composition, pose, or colors should be expected of course since those are standard fare (except for Skeb where you get what you get with no take-backs). However, if the client wants a style for which the artist isn't suited, then that's not a nice thing to do. The client should choose a better-suited artist and the artist is free to reject any commission.

Somewhat similar but slightly different to what's mentioned in
>The artist should always do what they want to do rather than what their audience wants.
>While you shouldn't surrender to your audience
I can't stand seeing artists apologize for their work. Skilled or not, controversial or not, once an apology is made it's over. The audience is the boss now after seeing that a pushover has surfaced. Should they even be called the audience, though? Ex) Getting mobbed on Twitter bc of drawing a straight ship or making dark-/light-skin versions of characters who were not originally. Those who harass an artist to the point of hiding or apology for mere drawings are not people who would have been the audience anyway. That's why an artist like Khyle (@khyleri) is entertaining to see. He thrives off this stuff. Nobody needs to be quite like him, but it's just so disheartening to see a good artist lose faith in their work bc the vocal "audience" said otherwise.

That little derailment aside, looking through all my artist friends' commissions pages while writing. Ahhh, window shopping is real! If the wallet allows, telling them you positively support their work like that is always a nice thing~


I would say that the artworld is so large and diverse that you never really need to be aware of your audience or cater to them. Because whatever you do their will be an audience for it, there will always be somebody that wants to listen but further than that I would say that in ignoring what people want or expect you are then producing something that might not be appreciated by the greatest number of people but the people that do appreciate it will highly value it as it might be a niche that not well catered too.

But in addition to that, most artists don't do this for a living anyway, so they really can do whatever they want.


>How do you feel about artists changing their art style over time?
its cool and cute


It's such a natural thing to me that it seems alien to feel something about it

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