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File:[SubsPlease] Seiyuu Radio ….jpg (335.05 KB,745x915)


Choose your JK seiyuu.


¥will report you
smart girls are intimidating... anyways, one ダウナー系 please


File:[EMBER] Yozakura-san Chi n….jpg (267.55 KB,1920x1080)

Ehhhh... can I choose neither?


Will report you cute is better than resorts to violence cute.


the important question is how much violence


File:R-1712893414057.jpg (526.89 KB,708x1000)

Red flag for me was "fake it 'til you make it", so while I'd like to echo >>73741, I'd still choose cute konbini food eater on the right. At least she'll be honest.


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Gyaru has big tits and Downer is a flattie, if that impacts your decision.

Bully levels.


File:__enoshima_junko_danganron….png (194.43 KB,600x390)

Taking the Gyaru no question.


File:5320509561926a1963ea3b88ed….jpg (404.04 KB,1280x960)

No meganekko option?


File:60827dc698861253590751dd7d….png (1.82 MB,1484x4000)

here, have this cutie in the meantime


File:rei_nerd.jpg (124.3 KB,800x600)

Right always. Gyarus are shallow people and only good for a fugging.


I'm shallow too so it's ok


File:1582407659236.png (403.84 KB,1244x720)

Deep girls are better at fugging because they can take it to the base.


gyaru + da fugg


After watching the first ep gyaru seems like the easy choice. The downer is just a jerk.


getting bit and scratched by the gyaru


it would be cool if the gyaru had big breast envy towards the downer


She can jerk me anytime.


File:Kaii to Otome.jpg (1.17 MB,2143x2895)

Where's the option for this SHAB


too old




/secret/ post


not really



File:[ASW] Seiyuu Radio no Urao….jpg (236.38 KB,1920x1080)

She's just like me...


File:[ASW] Seiyuu Radio no Urao….jpg (333.2 KB,1920x1080)



File:[ASW] Seiyuu Radio no Urao….jpg (310.6 KB,1920x1080)

She's just like kissu.


File:[ASW] Seiyuu Radio no Urao….jpg (431.75 KB,1920x1080)



File:1712755005737.webm (77.76 KB,448x690)

Gap moe levels off the charts.


And you faggots tell me you wouldn't want a girl that loves Shojou shit?


File:1687811825854039.gif (2.15 MB,477x450)

Does the gyaru give free paizuris?


File:[SubsPlease] Seiyuu Radio ….jpg (430.95 KB,1920x1080)

But why... the gyaru is the best part...

No wonder she has no fans when she's being a dime a dozen cute moeblob


Gyaru are all sluts.
Seiyuu need to be virgins.


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You're decades out of date. Gyaru is just a fashion today.
It's like saying punker girls are anarchists.


gonna say that goths are emos


If it looks like a slut and sounds like a slut, it's a slut.


>If it looks like a slut
Don't like 90% of the girls in fantasy anime meet that criterion?


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (194.6 KB,1920x1080)

The less I know about the voice owner, the better. I really can't understand people that want to know about voice actors, wouldn't you prefer characters to still seem a bit magical?


File:Gn.jpg (41.56 KB,500x288)

You separate fiction and reality duh. Sometimes identifying the cast can make it more enjoyable. I know Ito Miku and Toyota Moe (the 2 MCs) are a seiyuu duo irl and have a weekly show called "Pyxis no KiraKira Daisakusen", they talked about the anime in it. It shouldn't be a problem unless you think of seiyuu as something more than mere entertainment.


I don't go full escapism mode and try to think they're real people, so it doesn't bother me at all. They're just ideas interpreted by the people acting, writing, and drawing them. Sometimes knowing that background information lets you enjoy a work more, like seeing all the Sore ga Seiyuu references in Akiba's Trip.


i like the agiri cocaine joke


File:[HorribleSubs] Citrus - 08….jpg (155.89 KB,1280x720)

All Seiyuu should be Gyaru.


File:[SubsPlease] Seiyuu Radio ….jpg (261.17 KB,1920x1080)

This anime better fix Sakuranamiki's overworking habit by the end of the anime or kill her off to make a statement otherwise it's trash. Promoting the behavior that lost us Sensei would be unforgivable.


The gyaru revolution will change this


File:[ASW] Seiyuu Radio no Urao….jpg (266.28 KB,1920x1080)

Even the gyaru herself acknowledges this.


File:[SubsPlease] Seiyuu Radio ….jpg (257.75 KB,1920x1080)

Yes but she's also suffering from imposter syndrome so you can't trust what she says.

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