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File:[Erai-raws] Yozakura-san C….jpg (217.72 KB,1280x1440)


Is it morally justifiable to use violence to prevent NTR?


Yes, and also magic to genderbend the offender followed by sexual violence


Morals are for the weak.
Weak people should avoid violence.


File:[EMBER] Yozakura-san Chi n….jpg (265.44 KB,1920x1080)

why is it part of this fetish to broadcast it everywhere


Humiliation is by its very nature a social thing.


It's literally what the show is about.


Why do Arch users broadcast their Arch usage?


The sheer excellency of it


File:[EMBER] Yozakura-san Chi n….jpg (353.67 KB,1920x1080)

is it?



Yes. On top of that, the would-be-NTRer should get NTRd.


heterosexual patriarchy should be the norm enforced by vigilante violence


It's a moral imperative to use violence to prevent NTR.


Did you even watch the episode? It ends with MC having the most important woman in his life, one he has devoted himself to loving and protecting forever, get stolen by a guy with pathological commitment issues who knows next-to-nothing about her right in front of him because she got peer pressured into chasing fleeting heartthrobs over a stable, familiar relationship by painting his insistence on exclusivity as deranged. It is infuriatingly bold in its advocacy for NTR.


File:[EMBER] Yozakura-san Chi n….jpg (363.31 KB,1920x1080)

I think you watched the wrong one. It's pretty clear what's going on in this show


I haven't watched this show yet, but thinking the portrayal of cheating always has to with fetishizing it is retarded. Cheating is something that happens very frequently in real life.


I get the bit you're doing but I'm not a fan.


did you know that the guy who masochism is named after forced his first wife fuck other men by refusing to work until she did


shift + click

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