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File:526158.jpeg (40.29 KB,225x350)


Why does Korisu have a voice actor.






have to say the usual lameness of extended OP/EDs is well compensated by kiwi's superb performance at 2:15-:20
the extra lyrics also do a nice job at further singing out loud the series' themes


Pikachu has a voice actor


gonna gush with zunda while waiting for the next chapter


zundamon is good at singing


Zundamon should NOT be making these faces


didn't the guy from non non biyori also have a seiyuu


File:d1539tx-1c35ca0b-c867-4bdc….png (1.14 MB,987x1345)

Why does Meru have one?


Contrary to her surname 音無 (Otonashi, literally "no sound"), she does make sounds.

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