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How are there still people that say gaming is dead in 2024 when it's one of the best times for games yet with all the indie stuff and AA releases




Name 3.


PoE2, Elden Ring DLC, Silksong


Opinion invalidated.


World of Horror was only 6 months ago


Also BG3, AC6


Maybe DD2


People are probably saying that because of what happened to the Atelier series. It makes the gaming landscape as a whole feel bleak.


Only hardcore gamers are into those indie (and streamer) games that become forgotten after 3 months. The average person who says that, used to play them a lot only picks up something like Elden Ring once a year and kohais stick to the games they know (Fortnite, CS, MMO, COD, Valorant, Gacha) sure, we used to play Halo and COD but we were also excited for other games coming out fairly often.
Games became more lucrative and expensive to produce so it's harder for the average studio to get picked up by a AAA publisher and innovate with something like Dead Space or Mirror's Edge. I only know BG3 from all the games anons mentioned here and the price tags are off putting, I guess that's part of the reason why F2P games like gacha, fortnite, palworld, fall guys, etc. became popular and COD and others adopted a similar model. In short: water wet (o), old good new bad (x).


Palworld is not free to play.


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