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The Japanese hate Solo Leveling yet love Blue Archive. That means they're not racist when they're horny.


Through dick....


i thought blue archive had a lot of Japanese influence


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Don't dig the thread into an even deeper hole than it started from


I mean, does Blue Archive actively demean Japanese as much as Solo Leveling does?


Sure wish people reported the uncalled for digression into 4chan culture so I'd be authorized to delete it


        ( ´Д`) >>73546
        ( ´Д`) >>73550
        ( ´Д`) >>73553
        ( ´Д`) >>73555
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The thread itself is 4chan culture but sure


Blue Archive is 4chan culture and I'm glad someone is finally willing to take action to eradicate it from this site.


cuteness and sexiness will unite the world


Why would you need reports to delete things?


he will not divide us


i'll divide my legs for him


We typically moderate through post-action justification or pre-action justification internally, and our opinions are varied enough that most actions are subject to internal criticism with /trans/ being easily usable to restore anything if it doesn't seem warranted.
So reports weigh as a metric in our justification of actions


I see. Thanks for the clarification.


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>>73537 Seems like a bait comment tbh.
It's comparing two completely different media of different origins. Solo Leveling is a web novel written by a Korean author for a Korean audience, while Blue Archive is a gacha game developed by a Japan-based company for a Japanese audience.
All of this doesn't matter anyway, since gacha gamers don't care where it comes from and just play whatever they want.

Blue Archive
Released: Japan first (Feb 2021), then WW (Nov 2021) and China (Aug 2023)
Developer: Nexon Co., Ltd. and by extension Nexon Games (Korean-founded, but HQ'd in Japan since 2005
Nexon CEO: Owen Mahoney (last 10+ years), replaced by Junghun Lee last month (March 2024)
Publisher: Yostar (HQ in China, HK, and Japan)

So westerner Mahoney presided over the entirety of Blue Archive's existence until last month and BA released in Japan first for the Japanese audience and it was exclusively theirs for the better part of one year. Timelines and locations say that Blue Archive IS Japanese, despite what Wikipedia claims. Nexon is originally Korean but HQ'd in Japan, while its CEO and HQ for the last decade+ is western. Korea actually got a separate censored version of the original game later due of ratings issues in Korea (Mature vs Teen).
The rest of the executives are all non-Korean with the sole exception of new CEO Lee.

A small selection based off first regional release and/or developer HQ:
Blue Archive
Kantai Collection
Princess Connect
Genshin Impact
Honkai Impact + Star Rail
Azur Lane
Girls' Frontline
Punishing: Gray Raven
Mahjong Soul
Last Origin
Epic Seven


So what you're telling me is that nippon is still banzai


SL also has a brutally korean artstyle while BA doesn't


Blue Archive is Korean.


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From the first episode I don't really get why they love it so much. From all the fanart and fan animations I was expecting a wacky ecchi comedy about a bunch of girls having school wars with each other. Instead what I was met with was meh SoL and hags that were just 'cute'.

Even action wasn't really anything to write home about either. It's not like there was a bunch of strategy or pretty animation to marvel at, it was just fine. In comparison to something like Upotte it doesn't stand out at all in the cute girls with gunfights. Hopefully it lives up to all the money it's made somehow because I just don't see why it's being showered with so much at the moment.


Name a single gacha game adaptation where the first season is any better than just 'okay'. I'll wait.


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There is one (and probably only one) example


does u149 count?


Love Live. It became popular in part thanks to how well paced and fun the 1st season was at the time with the game releasing shortly afterwards.
First season gacha adaptations tend to be better when they function as an original story or a prequel to the game (that they usually release after the anime finishes airing) but that's not exactly an adaptation.
Episodic gacha adaptations showcasing different characters (often for fanservice) tend to end up being just ¨okay¨ or enjoyable only if you like SoL and know the characters from playing the game.


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Truly, it was our magical destroyers


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Everyone was being civil and nice, and then you had to show up.


Everyone was being civil and nice, and then you had to show up.


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don't 'no u' me there is NO reason to bring up that abomination failed gacha advertisement which lacked any understanding of what it was about and carried a surface-level message with all style and no substance after getting people's hopes up with the OP/ED and first episode


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I see I see


why are you digging through my <=2 anime list....


>gacha advertisement
This isn't inherently a bad thing and an unfair criticism against gacha anime when manga and other adaptations are made with the same purpose ending in cliffhangers.


The problem isn't simply that they are advertisements, but rather WHAT they are trying to advertise.
Even if a manga adaptation ends on a cliffhanger, it is still at least going to be trying to get you invested in the actual story, whereas with gacha adaptations they just try to cram as many characters as possible in, even when they contribute nothing to the plot and don't get a chance to receive any development beyond a basic gimmick and a few running gags. That is simply not a formula for an enjoyable anime.


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Kemono Friends but the game had shut down before the first episode aired so maybe that doesn't count.


Ange Vierge
Toji no Miko
Cinderella Girls
Uma Musume

It's technically an adaptation of a manga that uses characters from a gacha, though it basically rewrites everything beyond the starting premise. Neither are adaptations in the classic sense, but considering gacha mechanics and live service models are both incompatible with having a plot, pretty much every story based on a gacha franchise has to be an original story based on the setting. The good ones embrace this and use the funding to produce anime original stories.


I completely forgot KF started as a gacha and the show was just made to advertise it


There are a number of Kemono Friends games, the latest and current one is Kemono Friends 3. That happens with Gacha games, Girls und Panzer has had a few come and go over the years as well for example.

It had a manga written about it too(and more has come after the anime). I never played the first game but I did read the Manga, the Anime is not a retelling of the Manga but it does borrow from it, probably, that's if these things don't come from the game first.


I was thinking that the circumstance of the KF anime being funded as an advertising endeavor and then being subsequently orphaned when the game shut down probably gave Tatsuki and company a level of creative freedom that other gacha advertisment anime don't get to benefit from. It seems somewhat unfair to compare the first season of KF to other gacha anime.
>>73810 brings up Love Live which I don't mentally classify as a gacha adaptation on account of being exposed to it before the game. GuP too, with the anime release anticipating the game(s). It makes me wonder if having the burden of an existing fanbase's expectations pushes studios towards making more straightforward fanservice-oriented adaptations, to the detriment of their storytelling and overall quality. But manga and LN adaptations have more varied outcomes so maybe >>73822 is right.


I doubt that they would have been able to alter the writing of KF's anime very much given the short time frame.

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