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File:GKp2qaEakAAPgW2.jpg (556.01 KB,2700x2400)




fat hog


l'epic faail


File:R-1712628949738.jpg (1.06 MB,1181x1669)

I approve


Koruri used to be so skinny, or maybe it's the angle?


¥fingering technique
¥office crack


flab on a shab


why was she showing that in the first place...


She made the mistake of not clearing unneeded programs before presenting, so when PowerPoint crashed it revealed what was underneath. For what reason she was viewing that image, I don't know since I haven't seen the whole anime so I might be missing a joke or important context.
Khyle (the artist) likes to hide little jokes throughout his works.


Oh. I thought that was her PowerPoint presentation.


File:2d6b58224efee9ecca96619860….jpg (192.41 KB,753x1063)

Funny but also canonically inaccurate. All of Bocchi's fat are stored in her boobers. This is official art.


File:kessoku band.jpg (769.73 KB,1740x1992)

And this is not official art although it looks like it.




>Fingering Techniqu...
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
>Chords 2024
(; ̄Д ̄)


File:fat.jpg (378.43 KB,2731x4096)



File:1683779957837-3.jpg (262.19 KB,1748x2430)

But what about the erotic hags...


File:[SubsPlus ] Urusei Yatsura….jpg (458.17 KB,1920x1080)

I am a fan of hags and this is no hag!


File:twintails hag.png (84.83 KB,554x392)

Yes she is!


That's like, one year away from being a hag!


Proof that girls are only attractive up to 45kg.




File:My Immediate Reaction To ….webm (671.75 KB,480x480)



File:[SubsPlease] Bocchi the Ro….jpg (212.28 KB,1280x720)

bocchi the belly
belly the rock
rock the belly


File:GKxbnrSa4AEBE_W.jpg (Spoiler Image,91.57 KB,862x1200)



File:603.jpeg (81.3 KB,716x955)





File:IMG_2703.jpeg (119.92 KB,1152x1086)


Why's his butt so red?


thank you for introducing me to this artist he draws a lot of funny stuff

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