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File:9144d95a3decc7795172731303….png (4.84 MB,2000x1992)


Tubas/trombones/trumpets/euphoniums are very interesting instruments don't you think. Of course, that's the only reason someone would watch Euphonium; to learn more about those intricate instruments and the sounds they produce. The pretty girls have nothing to do with it. And you know the difference between each of them, right? What's the one in this picture called?


File:1428537670206.png (949.77 KB,730x727)

There are no pretty girls in band, only freaky ones.


File:Precure All-Stars F v2 [Se….jpg (308.99 KB,1920x1080)

I have absolutely no idea. I'm not generally a huge fan of those kinds of instruments, though. They're good in the background of orchestras or something, I guess.


according to google images, that's a tuba


File:630556_p0.jpg (194.83 KB,1000x1000)

That's a didgeridoo, duh.


strange ai gen


File:__nishijou_nanami_chaos_he….gif (81.18 KB,453x573)

Not the first time I've seen someone confuse older artwork for AI.


i'm pretty sure this is trolling BUT you can see that they're well positioned behind stuff and actually doing hand motions and carrying stuff without bodies blending into each other, boundaries are consistent and respected

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