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File:b7dd9b9f242b4661459de15256….png (1.91 MB,2799x4007)


So what shall it be? Do you join the Unity or do you die here? Join! (* ^ ω ^) Die! ヽ( `д´*)ノ Join! (´。• ω •。`)
Die! (#`Д´)


Moetron is dead
long live Moetron!


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (384.27 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm... what would a modern kissu Moetron look like?


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Biased bc I like Kemonomimi-chan and it's one of my favorite Kissu banners. From recent noticings, I'd suspect modern kissu Moetron would incorporate at least Kuon and that hyper chibi Precure character whose name I'm pretty sure is Ellee.
Can't think of any other 2 characters I see more often on boards, but maybe I'm not thinking hard enough.


File:[Elesa-Suimasen] Katte ni ….png (356.77 KB,396x720)

There's Koruri and Patchy. And maybe Rena and Dejiko too.


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Patchouli is top-tier, now you're speaking my language!


File:qa heritage girls.jpg (104.51 KB,600x600)

An amalgamation of the /qa/ heritage girls (Pikari, Asuka, Serval, Rin) + Dejiko and Hazuki I guess.


what if we had an amalgam of the /qa/ voice


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I forgot about Sachiko. We were responsible for putting her on the front page of 4chan for a while after all. Maybe throw Koruri in there too. The others like Kuon I feel like they're more of 'staff waifu' characters like Bernkastel and Hibiki.


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (210.61 KB,1920x1080)

- Elle's wavy hairstyle thing that looks like a cloud
- Kuon's side kemonomimi
- Hazuki's cat ear headband
- Koruri's belly (maybe include the green shirt?)
- Furry Patchy's.... tail?
- Lala's... well the head is looking quite busy already but maybe her long antennas orb things?
- Dejiko's bells (or maybe make Furry Patchy be paws and have Dejiko's tail)
- Serval's.... uhhh... maybe her skirt? No wait, Serval's iconic KF eyes too!
- Zundamon's... those pea pod antenna are so iconic that they kind of need to be there, so maybe switch out Hazuki's fake cat ears for her cape and fangs?
- Sachiko's red and green hairclip with the matching bangs
- maybe something for Rika for /cry/ like uhhh... non-spoiler Rika visuals.... uhhh...
- Asuka's blob hands as seen in >>73461 (oh wait, blob hands can be Rika too?)
- Pikari's :D?


oh and
- Rin's scarf thing
- Akebi's cute side snout
- a wide hidamari face
- maybe holding broccoli for Roco (although serves as a Satoko thing)

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