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File:__my_melody_and_kuromi_san….png (6.74 MB,2081x2676)


it has been decided i will become a 'my pace' character irl from now on.
any suggestions (pic unrelated)


a one piece character?


Isn't that a Hello Kitty character? I'm more of a Badtz guy (or whatever that penguin was called)


do i really have to explain the archetype here...


File:Cinnamoroll.png (5.94 KB,369x232)

I like cinnamaroll (´。• ω •。`)


I want to fuck that gothic cat holy shit.
Women who wear that stuff are like hot as hell.




File:04_51b11f80-5abf-49bb-aee7….jpg (57.84 KB,800x700)

this is now a sanrio thread i guess
pompompurin and the twin stars are my favorites


mai pehsu doesn't ever get translated so what can you do


gothic lolita cats with cakes?


Baku the best zona


>do i really have to explain the archetype here...
what is my pace
do you drive a 'my car' at 'my pace'?


File:GJVcGeobsAApvAK.jpg (288.11 KB,1600x900)

i figured part of being a my-pace character means i don't have to explain that here and should post sanrio instead


just spit it out already


thread theme



better thread theme



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