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File:[SubsPlease] Highspeed Eto….jpg (331.16 KB,1280x720)


This garbage show full of 3D cars and vtubers and AI and gacha gets a Mizuki Nana OP and you're favorite anime doesn't.


Wait I started this up and saw it was a full 3D nightmare and closed it, does it seriously also have a vtuber/gacha collab?

But nice try, you FAILED OP!


File:[SubsPlease] Sengoku Youko….jpg (245.3 KB,1920x1080)

As long as someone lives long enough they'll get to see the things they value get mowed over and replaced by stuff they don't like, appealing to a new generation of people that will never know of their world. It could be worse


I'm not familiar enough to know if there are legit collabs, but the endcard clearly has Azur Lane in it and they have two virtual idols in the show who feel very vtuber to me.

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