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File:Lloyd de Saloum.png (4.97 MB,1920x2534)


I've always said that shotas are just lolis without boobs so are the naysayers of /jp/ ready to admit defeat now that Lloyd de Saloum has released with a character design like THIS.


Do we really need three fucking threads about this shota?


you mean to tell me your lolis have boobs?


We now have three, THREE shota threads.

Erm, I botched it I meant to say shotas are lolis just without developing boobs...gomen


lissen they're feeding this kid whatever it is they give to traps nowadays and now it's all a full frontal assault it doesn't count


finally someone had the guts to make a thread about this show


wheres the third thread



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Lolis do not have thighs like that. Their limbs are thin and dainty before the hormones start filling them with fat. Their torsos also lack prominent curves. That boy is a JK from the waist down and that's why his legs stand out so much.

You have completely failed to grasp the beauty of little girls. But I guess I can't expect a flaming homosexual to be able to appreciate the essence of femininity.


oh shit this kid is fucking insane now i'm interested
thoughts on kanna?


>before the hormones
>the essence of femininity


File:1484798690820.png (611.04 KB,1127x1600)

COOL has a fetish for ultra thicc giantesses and has managed to make a career out of drawing them. This leaks into all of his designs to some extent or another. Sometimes Kanna is drawn more loli-like, but she often gets the same blobby lower body as every other character and the anime has led the popular fan interpretation of her to be distinctly non-loli-like as a result.


Estrogen is not what makes a woman. Only fags think otherwise.


you're right, it's feminine features that do it
features notoriously absent from lolis as you refer to them


Take it easy, guys...


You'll never understand if you can only see femininity in curvy bodylines.


clearly it's you who doesn't understand the last hundred thousand years of art while excluding motherhood from the equation


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Check THIS out nerds!



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File:1692734555367175.png (87.62 KB,206x264)

/jp/ has fallen...


/jp/ = Just Penises.


File:R-1712695666771.png (259.18 KB,519x477)

Well, pick it up!
I'm totally not going to touch your butt while you bend down.


Chisato is gay


Shark girl is female, right?

Let me look that up.
Okay, so according to wikipedia her name is Gawr Gura and she is referred to as "she".


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File:d2330c65e42afccdce4699bcea….png (457.99 KB,482x831)

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