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File:[SubsPlease] Re Monster - ….jpg (227.51 KB,1920x1080)


Wow what a tight nit community of goblins supporting each others survival in the harsh world. Relationships developing and potentially breeding may come later. It makes me sick to think about. When is someone going to come and properly rid us of this developing menace...


Personally just not a fan of those green-skin buggers.


File:[SubsPlease] Re Monster - ….jpg (288.97 KB,1920x1080)

Needless to say it's only been FOUR DAYS since these things were easy to crush babies and they're already grown enough to start killing nature and fight back. This is why you need to be fast.


The story moves so fast it's breathtaking.
Within a few hundred days, he will have a multi-racial family (with a few of his kids ready to produce kids of their own), an army ready to take on empires, a spa (for some reason), a human child soldier training facility (for whatever reason), and his nth evolution, bringing him to the peak of the world.
His battle against the god dragon was on day 250. (and he got an evolution after that) It's roughly were I dropped the WN.


File:[SubsPlease] Re Monster - ….jpg (218.98 KB,1920x1080)

>a human child soldier training facility
All just another strike against goblinkind and their consequences for the world...


Man, this looks ugly. Maybe it's on purpose, but blehhh


>draw an alien
>call it a goblin
Why is this allowed?


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E15.1080p….jpg (305.11 KB,1920x1080)

Wait, who said that?


Nah, they're all orphans that were mistreated by humans. It's a completely humane enterprise.

Rou eats people and refuses to learn the names of humans. But in this instance he is depicted as sickeningly ethical.
The most annoying thing about it though is that you just want to ask: "WHY?! You are producing an army ready to take on the gods within a few months. These kids will be useless for years. By the time they'll be mediocre soldiers, you'll have eaten that world's entire pantheon and be heading out conquer distant stars."


Maybe he's a Big Boss fanboy.


File:[SubsPlease] Re Monster - ….jpg (331.71 KB,1920x1080)

I don't think the female breeders were very humane if they ended up like this...


It's been 20 years since Death Note still haven't gotten over the whole moral ambiguity thing

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