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File:10120027_p1.jpg (167.42 KB,520x643)


D O N 'T B E A F R A I D


File:R-1712347889948.png (285.28 KB,404x714)

Do you not know about good phrasing.
Our brain doesn't intuitively work in negatives. What you are really doing is putting the idea of being afraid into our minds.
Not just that. But even on an intellectual level, you are implying that there is something that one might want to be afraid of - warranting your call to not be afraid.
So both on an intuitive and on an intellectual level, your thread is worrisome.
Then the color. Red is the color of alarm. And with the special effect on it, it really looks like there is something wrong.

I would guess that on average, your thread will accelerate anons' heartbeats by about 2-3 beats per minute.


File:Precure All-Stars F v2 [Se….jpg (233.47 KB,1920x1080)

Don't, be afraid



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