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File:lol.jpg (72.65 KB,1661x136)


Buy ze soap stinky: https://gelbooru.com/soap.html


the filthiest thing here is them forcing me to accumulate points by commenting before being able to upload anything
i will NOT partake in your erp i refuse to


For $5 a bar it best make me smell and look immaculate wtf


I can't tell if it's an April Fool's joke or not. I remember this being a thing with gelbooru in the past, but would they reuse a joke? It's a decent (and unique) fundraising idea. I think people like unique stuff like this and selling $1 of material for $10 is worth it to people for the sake of novelty and fun.


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But does it come with aphrodisiac side effects?


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>>72993 >>73006
Funny enough, a few hours before OP posted, I'd decided to throw some money at that novelty soap. If it was a joke then it's not much of a personal loss imo. I'll consider it an investment since I'd purchased some other goods from that shop along with a no-ads code anyway.
All in good fun, the little catgirl holding the soap is so freaking cute!


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>>73249 >>73006
Reporting back that the soap is real! Smells pretty good too. I bought a shirt + keychain alongside the 9-pack, so I was given an extra "café mocha" soap lol. that wasn't one of the available options, so I wonder if it's from the previous soap batch or just reserved for extra little gifts for bundle purchases like mine.
A fun April Fool purchase, no regrets.


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Opened one of the Cinnamon Latte bars. Too bad a few of them got a little bit squished from being sent in a bag rather than a proper box, but they're just soaps with a printed label so its' fine.


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Yeah, it was an April fools joke but they still kept selling it to this day, so it's not much a joke anymore.


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It happens.


Fine by me, gives me the chance to buy another set lol. I showed them to my lil' sister and she wants some too!


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pepperjack cheese!!


Still not as funny as Germany legalizing weed.


Uhh... make sure she never looks up the name...


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That reminds me, it's bicycle day next friday


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No worries, I only refer to her as such bc I'm the older sibling. We've both been in the sauce for decades and she mostly knows where to avoid nsfw content. She's aware it's a booru but still wants me to buy her a 9-pack of that soap haha


Sounds like you have a great imouto


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