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File:Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta ….mp4 (11.47 MB,720x480)


In the end that truly was The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic


File:[SubsPlease] Dosanko Gal w….jpg (270.18 KB,1920x1080)

so how was it?


File:[SubsPlease] Chiyu Mahou n….jpg (358.31 KB,1920x1080)

It stayed pretty consistent in quality throughout animation-wise which I wasn't expecting. Rose always stayed the focus of the animators and I don't think there was ever a bad scene with her in it. Nor was there when it came to general story scenes, she stayed the highlight of the anime. Everything else was alright, a bit above the norm for isekai in that it didn't devolve into harem narou kei. To the end it kept a more lighthearted tone with a good bit of comedy to ease the darker portions of the story alongside a healthy bit of boot camp SoL. Never really felt much stakes aside from the past scene where I knew what would happen already. Most interesting thing to me was seeing a big character at the end turn out to be Maomao after her voice was somewhat hidden.

So that's sorta it, nothing really noteworthy but if you liked Rose you may get some enjoyment out of it. There's really not many characters around in seasonal stuff like her.


Hmm... yeah she seemed interesting but probably not enough to watch a show for. Thanks for the response, but I think I'll pass on it.


>a bit above the norm for isekai in that it didn't devolve into harem
The anime stopped right before he began to collect the harem, after all.


what's amusing to me is how I dropped the last episode because I personally don't care for what happened after the protagonist has basically completed his character arc and gained confidence in himself.

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