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File:Ergo.Proxy.S01E16.v2.1080p….jpg (292.36 KB,1920x1080)




hate people who leave the toilet seat up


wish i was her toilet seat


I live alone I have no reason to put the seat down.


I pee like a shotgun


The House of Water is The House of Man.


Until you need to take a shit in the middle of the night and fall in.


New rule:
Next time you leave the toilet seat up, you get turned into a little girl, so little that you will need a stool to get on top of the toilet, and somebody to hold your hand while peeing so you don't lose your balance.


I live alone and have no reason to put it up because sitting to pet is comfy


File:[Judas] Ergo Proxy - 01 (0….jpg (168.98 KB,1920x1080)



>somebody to hold your hand while peeing so you don't lose your balance
How would you lose your balance while sitting down?

Besides, I'd just have Onii-chan hold me up with my legs spread to pee, so the seat being up would be convenient.


>How would you lose your balance while sitting down?
With your feet and butt dangling in the air? It happens.


File:[HorribleSubs] Teekyu S8 -….jpg (39.2 KB,585x720)

>[sitting] With your feet and butt dangling in the air


For the former, that was implied by the size limitation.
For the latter, yes, your ass is hovering over the chasm of evil. That's the entire point of a toilet.


How is that hovering? Is the roof dangling over your head because it's not being supported at every possible point? You can't sit down without something physically propping you up.


>How is that hovering?
I used the word hover to describe the lack of security.
>the roof dangling over your head because it's not being supported at every possible point?
The roof is actually supported strongly at every possible point, completely differently from you balancing yourself on a beam. That's the thing. If your feet aren't planted on something, then the act of sitting on the toilet turns into a balancing act.


File:d883978817b.jpg (894.11 KB,1000x1415)

Living by myself and still keep the seat down, just feels cleaner somehow. Besides, perhaps that extra half-second will be the savior in an emergency! w

PS What a coincidence, I've been rewatching Ergo Proxy the last couple days. It'd been so long, forot almost everything since first watch!


I don't follow vtubers, but does Shark Girl not have any shark powers to unclog a toilet?


I'm not too familiar with Gura lore, either, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was some way to twist it to make it work out. Maybe shove some of the chumbuds (fan name) down there too


She should be inside that toilet because that's where EN vtubers belong in.


tuber lover detected pay the fine


>balancing yourself on a beam
Please share pics of your third-world toilet.


File:shork.png (916.65 KB,1469x696)

>>72889 >>72890
Completely unrelated to OP, but playing with jp-chan today revealed she's a big shork fan lol


Toilets do not discriminate; vtubers of all nationalities should get in the dunny. (´・ω・`)


File:Precure All-Stars F v2 [Se….jpg (293.79 KB,1920x1080)

I think vtubers are very on-topic for toilet discussion


The Japanese ones are at least useful for helping with learning Japanese.

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