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File:[SubsPlease] One Room, Hia….jpg (138.35 KB,1280x720)


This season's screeching beta male protagonist is here to teach us an important lesson: if you lose your shit at the thought of a girl being within five feet of you, she'll just go find a fat oji-san to do enjo with. Unlike you, girls always have a fallback.






It's not NTR because he literally just met her that morning and threw her out on the street to make sure she couldn't try to have sex with him. Personally, I identify more with the oji-san and it would have felt extremely justified if this had been a real MC-swap twist.


File:[SNSbu] One Room OVA (BD ….webm (3.09 MB,1920x1080)

Is this the sequel to One Room?


File:8e2bf49bc0c88be034e68ed954….jpg (358.29 KB,1380x2080)

God I wish I was a fat ojisan...




If you can dream it, you can achieve it.


It didn't occur to me until now, but Frieren dresses like a grandma


she dresses her age. she was hip once.


File:[SNSbu] One Room Second Se….jpg (154.83 KB,1920x1080)

Unfortunately, our girlfriends are nowhere to be found.




Where might an oji-san find a goth loli like the one in your picture?


She has some frills, but really not very gothic lolita at all..


File:[SubsPlease] One Room, Hia….jpg (424.91 KB,1280x1440)

Try leaving your balcony door open. It's a signal to strays that they can sleep there.


File:[SubsPlus ] Dark Gathering….jpg (329.56 KB,1920x1080)

How can they think it's gothic lolita when it's pure white?? WHAT ARE THEY TEACHING THE KIDS THESE DAYS?


really enjoyed the scenes with this mischievous little Suigintou cosplaying brat


Most grandmothers are not thousands of years old.
Frieren does not dress her age, and in her youth she dressed very differently.

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