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File:pino bun.png (1.04 MB,1251x1080)


Remember to say "rabbit rabbit" when you first wake up on Monday for a month of good luck... or you'll look like quite the fool!


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'Even if fate were as easily manipulated as you make it sound, I would still not put my trust in a ritual dedicated to a deity as notoriously fickle as the Rabbit is,' Klein lampooned. He then conjured up the historical projection of Will's ice cream and ate it with relish - just for good luck, of course.


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File:[SubsPlease] Akebi-chan no….jpg (243.57 KB,1280x720)



i actually did say it but i woke up at 10 am so i hope it counts


File:__houshou_marine_and_usada….jpg (214.41 KB,850x956)

last time I remembered the bunny blessing I got a very bad flu.
This time I'm set to remember and I already even got sick again but earlier in anticipation.


I said it, I said the line!


I think I said it!


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I said it. How could I forget with such a powerful reminder like Pino


File:Dungeon Meshi - S01E04 (10….jpg (274.48 KB,1920x1080)

0 for 4 this year! Yeah!




This was the first month this year where I didn't remember. I think April Fool's rules means it should work opposite for this month though.


I was awake from the last day of March until the third day of April. I'm not sure how the rules apply to this situation.


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Are you alright? That sounds extremely painful.


a whole month of unluck


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E12.1080p….jpg (258.79 KB,1920x1080)

DID SOMEBODY SAY UNLUCK? Have you watched it? Are you going to read it? Looking forward to the mysterious "August 1st anime announcement"?


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today I will remind them!


Oh, that time already? Thanks, I would have completely forgotten.


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I've refrained from saying her name ever since learning that the 'w' is supposed to be silent.


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File:tei.png (533.83 KB,792x1044)

I remembered


Good job!


File:A hero fugs the bun.png (303.7 KB,1204x1606)

if i said my rabbits does that mean this will happen to me too


I think I said it before anything else. Took me a bit though


I said it! I said it first thing in the morning!


File:5037326_p0.jpg (170.41 KB,800x1022)

Rabbit Rabbit


Damn rabbit....


I don't want to say it but goddamn that's an ugly drawing of Te'i.


File:12179269_p2.jpg (34.46 KB,512x384)

What really? I think it's cute.


I don't know, I just don't think it's a flattering style for tewi.


File:[SubsPlease] Akebi-chan no….jpg (169.77 KB,1280x720)

Yeah, I completely forgot, but I didn't wake up "naturally" so I didn't really have a chance. I might get it once this year... we'll see

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