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File:R-1711850454223.webp (174.61 KB,1281x723)


cho cute

cho cool


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (275.69 KB,1920x1080)

You guys can have your evil molesty stuff, I'll stick with Precure


File:1611502579142.jpg (194.33 KB,858x1253)

You guys can have your big titty stuff, I'll stick with Precure


File:110689280_p0.png (740.24 KB,788x1120)

sure, i'll have it



File:115783925_p0.png (564.14 KB,700x1100)

the guy has an odd cartoony style and mostly draws mahoako, it's rather neat
he's drawn a couple of memes too like the lolicon but that's massive spoilers


she's melting...


It's not evil, it's love


Love is evil.


according to whom



which one
because John 15:12-13


File:1402790918531.png (909 KB,1080x1100)

The Mahou Shoujo God. Love is attachment and attachment leads to suffering.


spreading disinformation is boring, don't you know?


File:80228212_p0.jpg (1.06 MB,1181x1669)

Koruri 11:48
Food is good, and so we eat. And we ate. And it was good.


Koruri 1448


File:C-1711860524279.png (34.4 KB,300x300)

Wrong number, dummy.




(thread theme)

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