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File:GJy-8ERbwAAKXfv.jpg (386.99 KB,1920x1080)


How do you feel about gacha that entwine themselves into the story of larger series to cause necessity for people to play in order to experience the wider story? I think it's a terrible idea that leaves out a significant portion of the wider playerbase and forever locks them out once the gacha shuts down from not being profitable anymore.



It forces fans who would otherwise disregard it as a noncanon moneygrab to play it, increasing player statistics and potential revenue, so it's a good idea.


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Simply put, it doesn't exist to me. I don't care what they do. Maybe I could watch it on youtube or read it on a wiki or something. In the case of the Utawarerumono one I just visit a gallery now and then to see new art.
Which I have now done after forgetting for a few months. I REALLY hate that I can't confident say "Oh that's Character A", because it might be some parallel universe thing or time warp or just a new character that looks extremely similar. Sigh. Gacha garbage.


If I learn that a franchise strongly relies on media that I refuse to engage with, I probably won't engage with the other aspects either. It's discouraging to think that maybe I'll run into a narrative dead end that makes no sense unless I've also subscribed to whatever other service they are using.
It's actually highly ironic that I say this, when I have watched lots of anime adaptations without giving their source material a second glance. Have I learned my lesson or am I just trying to convince myself that I have?


Putting aside the story aspect of it, I'm not a big gacha guy but from what I can tell the franchise spinoff gacha are always among the worst gacha and close down after a year anyway.


If it's connected to the larger narrative then they will give the background information from it that's needed for understanding these things when they create media that I do watch or play.
And to be fair, Gacha games are often the least of such concerns regarding IPs that they often are a part of. I have no idea how many Fate VNs or games there even are and I am not going to read or play them all and I don't care that I am not, I'll just hope that if an anime comes out that references it they will do a good job summarizing the important points in it for me.

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