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File:C-1711805653818.png (1.22 MB,720x720)


I dont get how people enjoy the ghost stories dub, the jokes are only funny to listen to in the form of a compilation vid. Watching it normally, you have to sit through an insanely repetitive monster of the week show and the jokes get old pretty quick especially when half of them are dated references.


File:[AonE]_Hidamari_Sketch_x_S….jpg (208.61 KB,1280x720)

If you've a good memory the references can still be funny, and the other half of the jokes still produce a chuckle or laugh a fair bit. But yeah it's really not as amazingly packed full of comical moments when you watch the whole episodes vs just clips, I don't think you can do that with the base they were working with. Sometimes they did use the context of the episode so far to play into a better joke, however.


It is comical to see Japanese characters use strong language, plus the new characterizations, Slutski, her retarded brother[Giberrish], the fundamentalist girl etc.


I also don't understand how people can enjoy things, and it really pissus me off


Watching it normally gets old pretty quick. In my opinion the best way to enjoy it is with friends so you can riff on it. Combine this with a drinking game and it's a great time.
The rules me and my friends used were drink when:
1) gay jokes
2) pop culture reference
3) kid speaks gibberish
4) cat is an asshole
5) reference to jesus/religion
6) forth wall jokes
7) chanting
8) jew jokes
9) someone called stupid
It's a good idea to alternate with water since some episodes will try to kill you this way.




they exist online, but it still counts

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