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File:5f0b97534431af2bc963e8997b….jpg (572.21 KB,720x1280)


Bump if ur not afraid to have Kochiya Sanae on the frontpage. ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡


That has to look miserable, reminds me of this one fella.


Sanae no....


what a Good Friday!


File:Sanae is into that kinda s….jpg (191.26 KB,897x891)

I see I see


File:tegaki-1711767869904.png (6.72 KB,380x380)



Crucifixion art is really annoying when it's just people standing at a cross, with their hands affixed to its arms.
It's more of a reference to Jesus than it is anything else, and in that way, it is making light of the whole affair.
They way they are using it, it's really just an odd pillory. I acknowledge the advantage of humiliating somebody in this stance over the bent over stance of a normal pillory in that it presents the boobs to the audience.

However, what if I am an ass-man?


File:Noob_Born_In_Heaven封面.jpg (823.33 KB,800x800)

I won't let this slander on the front page

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