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File:spookyougi.gif (85.92 KB,640x466)


Did you ever look at a post and wonder if it was really you who posted it or not? It's a very strange feeling.


I can always tell when a post is mine (so no false negatives) and I can't remember a time that I read a post that wasn't mine but temporarily thought it was (so very confident that no false positives).


There have been times when I and somebody else made virtually identical posts at the same time. So, technically, yes, it happens.

Also, when I go through the archive to look up who posted a particular image over the years, I am sometimes slightly unsure if it was me or somebody else. But most of the time, I am confident in my ability to recognize my own posts.
It would be a different story if you pulled up a thread from 10+ years ago and asked me to find every single one-line shitpost made by me though. But then, who could prove me wrong?


Do you ever see Ougi and wonder why HE is so cute


File:05f7f4792f5f10c711e83491bb….jpg (293.54 KB,1600x1124)

Sometimes I reply to my own post without realizing it was me until later.


File:1660597092626.jpg (141.42 KB,1280x720)

I think this is entering split personality disorder territory. You might wanna get yourself checked.


No, because I wonder why SHE is so cute


the gacha riddled brain...

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