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It's been so long since I watched gorebunnies that I kinda forget exactly why I thought it was bad in the first place. It had memorable scenes that I can still remember to this day so it's got to be at least better than the pumped out isekai trash of today.


Although maybe that's just because the ending's the only thing I really remember... alongside the OP


I vaguely remember this and remember finding it boring? I can't remember... Well, I don't like this kind of stuff so it's not surprising. There's a nice gif of the twin girls somewhere...


File:Blood-C Twins.gif (2.5 MB,427x240)

The one in the OP or a different one?


I think it was that one, yeah


hehe you can tell the person that made the italian subs wrote the "original" lyrics on top


Yeah, that's probably right. Was skipping through all the episodes to jog my memory and the only things I can recall were from the last two episodes after the twist was revealed. I imagine leading up to that was extremely boring for me to have the rating I did.


File:1491506959706.webm (2.58 MB,640x360)

rabbit rabbit motherfucker


heh heheheheheheh


one day mankind will forget to rab rab and their luck will run out forever


Megane shab spotted.




scene's ripped right out of the War of the Worlds movie


The series was perceived as bad because it had a "competent" MC who ineffectually and comically attempted to protect her classmates while those were being devoured by monsters, one by one. The whole thing culminated in a gory finale where everybody came back to life to be brutalized and murdered once more, with the protagonist yet again being a perfectly useless dumbass who accomplished nothing.
The MC achieved or learned nothing. The villain appeared in the last episode and escaped laughing. The plot was meaningless (it was literally a stage with actors pretending to the MC's friends and then be murdered).
The whole thing was dumb.
The movie was supposed to fix the story, but I can't remember a single thing from it other than that the MC finally killed the dumb villain.

I heard that the primary problem with the anime's reception in the west is that we are not used to this kind of comedy, where the main point is to shed unholy amounts of blood in unbelievably silly ways. I don't know how true that is though there are several such Japanese series (and movies).

>the pumped out isekai trash of today
Those generic isekai that you are referring to give you exactly what you come for. You don't go to McDonald's for a delicious meal. You go there for something vaguely edible with enough additives that its taste reminds you of food.
If you go to a real restaurant and they deliver a perfectly burned steak to your table, you don't say that at least it's more memorable than a McDonald's meal.


I like their chicken burgers. I would be disapointed if one of them wasn't crispy


i go to mcdonalds for a tasty meal...


File:[Final8]Blood-C - 12 (BD 1….jpg (113.06 KB,1280x720)

I'll probably need to watch Blood+ one day to see how the two series are connected, if at all, to see if the movie redeems Blood-C. Was skimming through it today and I have to say the animation/action was quite good, and even the blood pinatas had some more substantial gore to them than normal, some pretty detailed scenes. Blood-C Saya is also a whole lot prettier than Blood+ Saya, the glasses and twintails are marvelous. But yeah, in relation to the 'play' part of the anime which was pretty much everything up to the end Saya was laughably ineffective at protecting anything, I don't think there was a single scene in which she was able to save a person from danger. Which I guess if like you said you treat it as a bloodsplatter comedy it kinda works much more effectively.

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