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File:Precure All-Stars F v2 [Se….jpg (349.83 KB,1920x1080)


Mark your calendars! We're going to stream the latest Precure movie next week!
It will be either Friday or Saturday, depending on what people say in this thread. If it's Friday then it will be a fairly short stream (112 minutes) so it makes more sense to me to add it to the tail end of the seasonal stream which will be 4-5 shows shorter due to shows ending this week. Standard stream starting time if it's on Friday (6PM EST/11PM UTC), otherwise a couple hours into the seasonal stream on Saturday.
I'm leaning towards doing the seasonal stream day, but I'm open to feedback! If there's no feedback, then it will default to being a seasonal stream addition.


friday because that means saturday for me


i'm alright with both (that is what i forgot to say)


I'd prefer Saturday so I can do a stream Fri/Sun


Either is fine to me.


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nooooo laura don't hit me please


but if you want a serious answer then saturday because of >>72255


laura is cute


mashiro is also cute


File:Precure All-Stars F v2 [Se….jpg (473.07 KB,1920x1080)

You know who else is cute? (this stuff is all from the beginning, no spoilers really)
I guess Saturday is winning so far. I'm not sure if this is a serious answer >>72199


Sigh... Of course it's serious. Don't make excuses to avoid conflict


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (228.13 KB,1920x1080)

"I'm voting for A because it's B" didn't sound like a very serious answer to me. Okay, 1 to 1 so far then.


File:Precure All-Stars F v2 [Se….jpg (277 KB,1920x1080)

Well, the Friday option is simply not available any more so SATURDAY IT IS! I think we'll just stay behind on Urusei Yatsura for a while so everyone can stay to watch Precure after the seasonals.


hi lala


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WOW! That was amazing! Pictures can't do it justice. I'll make some clips and post it in that /qa/ thread about high quality visuals.
For those who saw it in stream or watched it alone, what did you think? The story was very basic, but the visuals! OH MY GOD THE VISUALS! It just kept going! You get used to seeing 5 seconds of amazing animation, so when it extends into 5 minutes it's hard to take it all in.


yeah it was crazy, especially the climax
even small stuff had tons of movement


File:[Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle P….jpg (81.45 KB,969x720)

It really was the definition of style-over-substance. They certainly made some good-looking animation and had plenty of big name seiyuu come back for a line or two, but that's really all there is to it. I don't expect these non-canon all-stars movies to make much sense in the context of the other series, but they didn't even give a reason why all the Precure where initially up in Final Destination fighting Supreme.

What I do expect from an all-stars movie is to get more of time with my favorite characters, and on that front it was a huge let-down. I understand skewing it towards newer series, but most of the characters didn't really do anything. Lala was the most egregious example, as she didn't even have any friends to interact with and pretty much just got added to be quietly pouty for a couple scenes. Really, though, the entire thing could have been a Hirogaru movie and nothing would have changed because Sora, her butt-buddy, and the donut steel cures were the only significant actors.


I kind of agree. The most that happened with Lala was her having a bad relationship with Macaron, but it was a rather silly situation that really only served to have Ageha act as a cool mediator. But Tsubasa didn't do much and neither did Elle, Felice had a greater role with all the magic stuff she did like giving others ballons to float around with.


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This is true. It seemed like the story took 5 minutes to create and then they spent the rest of the time on visuals, which looked really nice. It was like a long music video or something, when you simply look and listen without much of anything happening. I didn't feel anything, which really would have enhanced the experience, but there were at least little happy moments and some great faces. It also reminded me of how great Sora was as a main Precure when they're often overshadowed. I think she'll be appearing in Precure movies for a while as such a strong character.

The Lala thing... yeah. Even early on I noticed that she was alone and it didn't feel right. The other girls hug and smile upon being reunited but Lala simply isn't there in the scene. Hikaru's voice is there so it's not like she wasn't involved, although Hikaru herself isn't remarkable and would basically only be there for Lala. I wonder how popular Lala is, they must have polls out there in Japan since they have them for everything else. Is she so popular that they would add her to the movie without knowing what to do with her?

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