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File:aoko.jpg (118.38 KB,758x882)


The last time I played this several years ago the interface was different and he didn't ask as many useless/repeated questions. Took him 56 questions to guess this one.


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Mieruko-chan is only a few years old, people are still updating the database..?


Isn't it updated by users?


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26. Impressed with this one.

Sometimes he asks too much unrelated shit and other times he's right on the money, but it doesn't really feel like he has improved since the last time I played.


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Think I messed up when I accidentally said she was from an anime.


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>The last time I played this several years ago the interface was different
Yeah, uhh, they've definitely made some improvements, huh. I'll try playing now...


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It gave up after 88 questiosn for Kotoko


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82 guesses, and when he asked "Does she wear a fox mask" I thought he'd guess it. But apparently Akinator doesn't know Ran.


I feel like his accuracy has dropped significantly from when it used to be used in 4chan threads since now he's probably used by norms to find out that he knows their favorite big shonen character while back in the day everyone was trying to beat him at his own game, so even the really obscure characters you'd put in would get recognized because others had attempted it too and trained him enough to recognize them.


Christ, he couldn't even guess Chirico from VOTOMs, just kept guessing One Piece and Nanastsu no Taizai


He's not eliminating certain questions from being asked anymore based on the ones you've already answered. I'm pretty sure he did that before. Some shitter messed up his code.


No, he always repeated himself when he got confused


How did you get so many guesses?
He always stops at 26 questions for me and every time he was wrong.


When you choose "No" you are given the option to continue playing. He asks up to 80+ questions.


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odd question


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I tried Eiko from Paripi Koumei but it guessed a character from hentai instead.


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Some of the questions for this I didn't really have an answer for.
>Does she hunt vampires?
Kind of, but it's more defensive?
Does she have a crush on the main character? Isn't she the main character?
>Does your character have a calm voice?
I answered no, but it's kind of complicated...
>Has your character possessed people?
Is mystical charm considered possession? I answered "probably"

Apart from the middle questions here aimed at a modern teenaged audience I think it did a pretty good job with these last 10 questions (out of like 60)


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>Apart from the middle questions here aimed at a modern teenaged audience I think it did a pretty good job with these last 10 questions (out of like 60)
Oops, meant to post this in this second post with an image


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Aoba Suzukaze and Nanahira in 50 guesses.
Tried 3 times for Potemayo and failed every time at 80 guesses and gave me this and other random things, I think he doesn't know.


it found hitomi tanaka in ~50 questions but the questions it asked could only point towards an AV actress, I think it only got her right because she's quite popular in the west.


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defeated by deez nuts


wonder if I am misremembering or if this used to be better


>I think it only got her right because she's quite popular in the west.
Is that so? Yuru Camp is very popular in the west but he failed both Nadeshiko and Shimarin for me.
He never asked any question about outdoor activities or mountains which could've narrowed it down.


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what happened to this background story? I can't find it anymore


it's taking an awful long time to guess "dog"


on the internet, no one knows it's a dog


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Just 27 questions? I guess she's pretty easy to guess.


Who was it?


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I don't know any characters like that.


Hm, does it consider VNs games?



LOL it doesn't know who Akebi is!


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