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File:__louise_francoise_le_blan….jpg (872.65 KB,3939x2500)


i like the purty girls with the big bewbs


The busty elf on the left seems to be a fan of the old flag of Ireland.


personally, I prefer the right


File:74ad5238469813c376749d0cc8….jpg (1.03 MB,1980x3375)


i like boobs


me too
boobs are great


I want to snuggle under the blankets with Louise, hugging her tiny body!!!


Louise gives me NTR vibes


No. She's just a shitty violent tsundere for people into S&M.


that's the ultimate sm


terrified at the thought of all my cum getting sucked out by elf paizuri


retard. also kimo.


excited at the thought of all my cum getting sucked out by elf paizuri


Your vitality will give way from it though....


Level drain...


File:kimo!!.png (324.75 KB,350x700)


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