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File:lala hug.png (1.31 MB,766x1000)



File:1563168372743.png (10.25 KB,1038x660)



File:Star Twinkle Precure 01.mk….png (1.69 MB,1920x1080)

What's chromatic aberration lun?


How come it's only girls hugging girls?


File:6ef598f2cac2ddedb1b58a3c03….jpg (1.75 MB,2391x3426)

wont forget the lillies


I remember the green one with striped thigh highs.


File:[SubsPlease] Assault Lily ….jpg (178.98 KB,1280x720)

Now I remember that I wanted to see the BD version of the scene that got obliterated by bit rate


Same, Lucchini was definitely my favourite.


File:d973b08e90dea8d21f62f23067….jpg (310.03 KB,3399x1813)

I didn't like that one. Their legs were really nice though.


File:66b558f3101b936dec8a848fa5….jpg (952.9 KB,2494x3536)

Boys are gross and yucky


File:1444398029464.png (176.22 KB,420x420)

your mom didn't say that about me


Yeah, she was the most memorable and also the one I liked. Yellow and green with a schoolgirl uniform was pretty unique. Sadly she didn't get a lot of screen time from what I can remember?


File:[ThiccThighs] Assault Lily….png (731.89 KB,1920x1080)

is that even legal?


quite an appropriate fansub name
good font too


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