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File:8a897b52bb173ee85a61ea0524….jpg (255.94 KB,800x1000)


Cheap coffee is to draft beer
as energetic is to being drunk


File:(clipboard)1650496286460.png (830.93 KB,1760x3050)



File:1577118057652.gif (39.11 KB,150x200)

I'll drink to that.


I'd really like to see the detailed data here. a benefit could be 0.5% reduced risk or 50% risk, but the numbers are completely opaque from being sort of +/- only.


File:[SubsPlease] RPG Fudousan ….jpg (161.21 KB,1280x720)


yes I only posted this because I had the image


File:1563989215348.jpg (113.76 KB,1280x720)

Drank coffee with vanilla milk.

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