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Archived threads: /jp/

Displaying 19 expired threads from the past 7 days

Post # Snippet  
82716 Spiritual power is stored in the balls. [View]
82693 Never partake in charity. The Lord provides to each what he needs and to give beyond that only encourages them to sink further into the sin of idleness. [View]
82696 ¥ mfw he calls me mommy by accident [View]
82688 >>81855 Subaru is!... well, he's pretty useless... Still can't believe he classed into using a whip and not a sword after literally being knighted [i]with a sword.[/i] [View]
82641 Wha... You don't really like this kind of thing, do you, Anonymous?... [View]
82663 Anonymous is just an online alias, this is what they call me in the streets. [View]
82561 I'm [s glowpink]homu[/s] [View]
82632 [b][s glowsilver]MoguMogu[/s][/b] [View]
82651 Now that it's over, I have to say. I don't think that ANYBODY saw this coming as the election result. [View]
82643 Oh yeah that's right, November was supposed to be a month of abstinence. How easily I forget! [View]
82621 This pretty girl likes you. [View]
81932 It's kind of weird that Dragon Ball's big anniversary show makes extensive use of 3D and post processing filters to cheap out on things when the same studio is [i]pure[/i] when it comes to Precure. I was kind of wondering if Precure would start to look worse if they pooled talent into the anniversery thing, but it seems like that's not the case. Well, it's a good Precure year (twice in a row) so I guess they made the right decision. [View]
82614 damn bratty sin bishops......... [View]
82160 So you want to make it big here at Shueisha, huh? Well then tell me what are ''your'' manga ideas. [View]
81855 Emilia is strong and useful! [View]
82601 Stupid cat never learned how to swim. You live on an island, dumbfuck. [View]
82541 Have you ever picked up a hobby or interest from media? I'm not sure I'll ever do it again, but watching a fishing or playing a fishing minigame does remind me of my childhood and I do kind of feel the urge to do it again. If it didn't requirement equipment (and travel) I'd probably be trying it out again. [View]
82551 pls be mindful of bandwidth when posting on kissu dot moe save your files as jpg [View]
82534 Onimyai~! [View]